The Foundation has been formed to provide long-term financial support for the Kapelle Singers

Each year the choir’s repertoire and concert programs are selected with the aim of stretching the ability of the ensemble to attain a new and higher level of achievement. Part of this programming is a commitment to singing modern music from living composers.
The choir remains committed to fostering young singers and musicians. We aim to provide a platform for them to extend musically and to obtain solo and choral experience.

Substantial financial support is needed from the business community and the general public if this youthful ensemble is to fulfill its mission of contributing to the musical life of South Australia and developing the next generation of talented singers.

Strong financial support of the Kapelle Singers Foundation will assist the Kapelle Singers to:

  • provide worthwhile vocal scholarships for young singers
  • purchase of musical scores each year
  • cover the annual costs of venue hire and publicity
  • engage professional organists, pianists and orchestras for major works

We invite all lovers of choral music, and all who delight in seeing those with musical talent and enthusiasm encouraged, trained and challenged, to be generous towards the present Kapelle Singers and their future development.

To ensure tax deductibility please make payable to The Kapelle Singers Foundation.

Contact for more information.

You can make a donation now at

A.B.N. 92 632 398 795